The Ex Servicemen’s Association of Mazarrón District (ESAMD), founded in 2006, is a  non-profit organisation based in Mazarrón, Murcia, whose aim is to encourage the type of camaraderie experienced in the Armed Forces, whilst raising funds to support other military and local charities. Current membership has risen to over 100 including three members of the Belgian Armed Forces.

ESAMD has over the years raised much needed monies for a number of local charities, but every November members can be seen in Mazarrón and the area distributing over 60 boxes of poppies to the local businesses.  The Association has tremendous support locally from businesses which have also raised money in various ways for the Poppy Appeal.

 In 2009 ESAMD raised 489€, rising in 2016 to an amazing 6851.74€ for the Poppy Appeal.  The running total so far is almost 35,000€ – a tremendous achievement and testament to the dedication of the members and the generosity of the general public and businesses in and around the Mazarrón area.

Bill Roberts (Treasurer of the Association) said his members felt so proud to have been able to assist their ex comrades of the Armed Forces who were in need.  The money was transferred into The Royal British Legion District North account to add to their annual total (last year it was over 165,000€.)

Peggy Wyatt, the local Legion Public Relations Officer said “I was delighted to recently meet with members of this superb Association.  It was an honour for me to be able to thank them personally for all their contributions to the Legion over the years.  

“We are often asked how the Poppy Appeal money is spent in Spain and here are just a few of the many ways we are able to help:

  • Stair lifts
  • Mechanical wheelchairs and scooters
  • Refurbishing homes so beneficiaries had a better standard of life, ie changes to a bathroom or bedroom
  • Wood, oil and solar panels have been purchased for isolated properties

There were also smaller items, gas canisters, fridges and food, as well as dental bills and help with purchase of spectacles.”

“Our caseworkers are always busy visiting and spending time with potential beneficiaries.  The definition of a beneficiary is someone who has served in the Armed Forces or their dependants.  On some occasions we are able to “sign post” someone to another charity or organisation and this means the person can get the best possible help available.”

For support or information about the Legion please contact   or ring 676 451 780.  Our website is:

For information about ESAMD and the work they carry out locally, please contact the Chairman Pat Firth – email