23 ADAPT members with an average age of 65 years and an estimated total years of 1,500 undertook the challenge

AT LAST ……the big day arrived, following many weeks of practise and hard work.  Sunday 26th February San Pedro del Pinatar Carnival and the ADAPT Carnival Group were rehearsed and ready.

The day was beautiful all we had hoped for with a stunning blue sky and only a slight breeze. We were to be “Singing in the Rain” a typical English theme on a perfect day without a cloud in sight apart from the one’s we would be carrying.

23 ADAPT members with an average age of 65 years and an estimated total years of 1,500 undertook the challenge of walking, dancing, spinning umbrella’s for almost three hours walking over 10,000 steps (according to the pedometer!)

The hustle and bustle on arrival at the start was full of excitement and noise.  A tremendous atmosphere and cacophony of sound as everyone participating of all ages came together.  Beautiful colourful costumes with feathers and sparkles surrounded our blue and red poncho’s, but we were to save our piece de resistance until the sun went down.

We were to follow the Dragon Boat and once we had donned our sparkly boots we lined up ready for the off. We walked and waved and waved and walked and the people of San Pedro lined the streets young and old having a good time.

As late afternoon came we pressed the button on our umbrella’s (not necessarily all together!) and our light sabre’s illuminated our way!  The effect was impressive and our red and blue umbrella’s going up and down seemed to draw  attention.

Finally we arrived at the end of our journey ………. A little weary but happy to have achieved what we set out to do and experience the joy of being invited to join in a very special Spanish tradition.

This year we didn’t win a prize but we were delighted that the San Pedro del Pinatar Pensionista’s took third prize – Congratulations.


ADAPT  meetings take place in the  Pensionista Centre,  Lo Pagan.  at 10:30 on the first Saturday of the month.  New members welcome.   See   for further details.