On Tuesday 21st February 74 players took part in the weekly Toffs stableford competition. The conditions were perfect for golf which made way for some good results.

Cat 1 (0-14) 1st Malcolm Foskett 38 2nd John Barraclough 35 3rd Bill Martin 34 Cat 2 (15-19) 1st Gary Grierson 35 2nd Clive Peck 34 c/b 3rd Bert Lawson 34 Cat 3 (20-25) 1st David Horne c/b 35 2nd Geoff Evans 35 3rd David Valentine 34 Cat 4 (26-36) 1st Lauraine Walker 36 2nd Ed Silvester 32 3rd Franco Gentili 31 Overall winner Malcolm Foskett Best front 9 John Kirkwood 19

Best back 9 Ken Enever 19 NTP´s 5th Malcolm Foskett 11th Clive Horne Hole in one 12th in 2 George McCallum 15th Alan Venables 17th Clive Peck Football draw Colin Daye-Gretton Monique Reeve  Ken Brett Debbie Weedon and Robin Richards.

Unfortunately there was no Eurogolf competition on Thursday as it had rained heavy during the night  people using buggies would have to stick to the paths plus the weather forecast was for thunder and rain so alot of people cancelled but those of us who went out and played found the conditions perfect!

The entertainment secretary would like to remind members that the list for St Patricks day at Laurels is up so to please book your tables asap.

If you would like to play with Eurogolf at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website