
The club fished its Winter Cup competition on 16th at Embalse de Beniarres. This is a beautiful venue which, over the last couple of years, has suffered from a lack of water. This is not the case now with the Embalse at around 80% capacity.

Unfortunately, the bad weather over the last couple of months has left a lot of debris in the water and today most of it was forming a barrier of about two metres between the fishermen and the water, making life difficult to say the least. Winner on the day was Andy Foden with just under six kilo with Roy Dainty second with just over two kilo.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.

The club is currently looking for new members and anyone interested can contact us through the Facebook page, the website or calling the club secretary, Steve Fell, on 634379081.