The “Turismo de Mojácar” Facebook page, managed by Mojácar Council’s Tourism Department, is one of the leading tools in the promotion of the municipality. In 2016, it was viewed by more than 7 million internet users from all around the world, all at no cost to the town.

During the same period, the number of followers increased by almost 10,000 more than 2015 and by early February this year, the number of followers rose to 40,000. Undoubtedly, these figures demonstrate the tourist pull of Mojácar.

It is indisputable that Facebook has become the most important and popular social network in the world. It is estimated that 900 million people connect and interact with each other and with the outside world via Facebook.

Being aware of this important opportunity, Mojácar Town Council has updated both the municipal website and the social networks it manages, in particular its “Turismo de Mojácar” Facebook page. This improvement has seen the incorporation of new image galleries, a fresh look and a more intuitive navigation which makes it easier for the potential visitor or resident alike.

According to Emmanuel Agüero Leclerc, Mojácar Tourism Councillor, “the previous update was made four years ago and as the changes in social networks are so continuous, it was essential that our website and especially our social networks were updated to maintain the interest of their followers. A static Facebook page does not grab anyone’s attention and will have no followers and without followers, we cannot get the message across. That is why the new Facebook page and our website are much more visual, with a more modern image, fresher colours and a greater emphasis on attractive photography that shows visitors what they will find in Mojácar. As well as the new designs, the work of the tourist office personnel is fundamental, since it is that team who fill it with interesting content”.

Along with the municipal website and the “Turismo de Mojácar” page, there are other pages including “Mojácar Informa”, which in common with the tourism page is in English and Spanish. In addition, the tourist office also manages the “Mojácar Ofertas” page, open to all local businesses, which showcases all their offers to promote their activities. This page is especially useful to both tourists and the residents of Mojácar and district, to let everyone know what is available and happening in Mojácar.

The success of this new website and the Facebook pages have been the subject of enquiries by other municipalities interested in developing a similar programme. A fitting tribute to the continuing achievement of Mojácar’s Municipal Tourism Department, which continues to reap the benefits of its work.