“The Deadwood Stage Company’s” production of “Allo, Allo Tries Panto” was a fitting tribute to the beloved, late Gorden Kaye.

“The Deadwood Stage Company’s” production of “Allo, Allo Tries Panto” was a fitting tribute to the beloved, late Gorden Kaye.

A sell out  show was performed at “The Madhouse” for 2 evenings.

The costumes were most colourful and the cast of 15 portrayed the much loved characters and brought a laugh and invoked many happy memories of the original TV show.

The audience enjoyed a tasty snack in the interval and 12 items were raffled each night, to the delight of the winners.

A lady in the audience was celebrating her birthday (no age disclosed! On the Saturday evening) and a kind friend and member of the cast, arranged for her to be presented with a bouquet.  Also a small birthday cake had been made by the member in charge of catering each night.  So, for the ‘birthday girl’ it was certainly a night to remember.

On the final night, a donation of 600€ was presented to  the parents of the late, delightful Katie Salmon.  In memory of their daughter a fund had been  started, entitled “The Katie Salmon Performing Arts Scholarship”.  This allows children in the area, up to the age of 16, to attend discounted classes to study music and drama at “The Matrix  Studio” held at “The Madhouse”.

So, the members of “The newly formed “Deadwood Stage Company” can now rest on their laurels after their first major production.  They would welcome any new members, in any capacity to join them, that is to say budding actors, or helpers back stage and front of house.  Rehearsals are held as from 15th February each Wednesday morning at 11.00a.m. at Georgiou’s Greek Restaurant near Blue Lagoon.

Any further information can be had by ringing Vida on 966 77 4127.