We are still looking for new members, and technical operatives

In 2016 the New Cardenal Belluga Theatre Group had a successful show called Stepping Out. We are now rehearsing our new show for 2017 which is ‘Let us entertain you’. This will be performing 18, 19, and 20th October 2017. Further details will be given nearer the date.

However we are still looking for new members, and technical operatives, so if you are interested, call at the Social Centre in La Marina next to the police station on the Urb.

We have our AGM at the Centre on the Monday 30th January 2017 at 1-30pm and everyone is welcome.

If you are not a paid up member you will not be able to vote for the various committee posts available.

For further information contact Tom Ford on 966-790-547.or e-mail