The Three Kings did not want to miss their date with Mojácar’s youngsters and so, will depart from La Fuente at 17.00h on foot, along with their pages and helpers.

They will distribute more than 600 gifts to the Town’s children during their visit

Their majesties The Three Kings of the East will visit Mojácar to personally deliver their gifts to all the children of the municipality.

After the official welcome from Rosmarí Cano the Mayor of Mojácar and, her fellow councillors, their Majesties will set off from La Fuente to the Centro de Usos Múltiples, where they will distribute the toys.

This year, due to the works on the Plaza Nueva, they have been forced to leave their carriages outside the town and not take their usual route from the old town. However, The Three Kings did not want to miss their date with Mojácar’s youngsters and so, will depart from La Fuente at 17.00h on foot, along with their pages and helpers.

The official entourage, including local dignitaries and Mojácar Municipal Band, will escort The Three Kings and all the residents and visitors who wish to accompany them. Mojácar Town Hall’s Department of Fiestas also want to encourage children to join the royal party dressed up as pages and, if they do not have a suitable outfit, a Council representative will help them find one.

Once they arrive at the Centro de Usos Multiples, they will distribute presents to the 672 children registered in Mojácar born between 2006 and 2016, special gifts that their Majesties have chosen according to the age and gender. Starting with the youngest, the children will receive their own gifts, one by one, in alphabetical order.

No child will be left without their gift in Mojácar because the Magi, always remember to ask if there is any child in the room that has not been named, so they can also collect their gift.

For the distribution of so many toys, their Majesties will be counting on the willing help of Mojácar Town Council’s Government Team.