The photo shows winner Eldon Carey with Captain Myra Coull and Vice Captain Rory Lee.

The last outing of the year saw 23 of us travel to RODA.  Although the course was a bit wet in places this did not stop us having a good day.  Back at Paddy’s we enjoyed an excellent buffet despite the main bar and kitchen being out of action.  Thank you Rory, Hazel, Danielle and all the staff for again looking after us.

NTP hole 2 Eldon Carey, hole 7 Sean McCarthy, hole 11 Ian Comaskey, hole 13 Paul Cullen. LONGEST DRIVE David Burley. 2’s Pot Paul Cullen.  BEST GUEST David Burley 31pts.

3rd place Alan Scott 32pts, 2nd Joe Adam 32pts c/b, Winner of the McBride Winter Cup Eldon Carey 33pts.

Our next outing is to Las Colinas on 11th January.

The photo shows winner Eldon Carey with Captain Myra Coull and Vice Captain Rory Lee.