The incident occurred in the early hours of Monday morning

EX-PAT pensioners residing in Los Montesinos, Alicante, have been left without transport after their car was broken into while parked outside their house.

The couple, aged 78 and 75, who will remain anonymous, have been left heartbroken following the incident on La Herrada, on the outskirts of the Vega Baja town.
“They are just ‘scumbags’ – breaking into the car of pensioners,” said the owner.

The incident occurred in the early hours of Monday morning on November 28, and the vehicle owner said: “They did not take personal effects. But they took the ETU unit from the car.
“I am 78 years old and my wife is 75. They have left us without transport.”

The Mayor of Los Montesinos Jose Manuel Butron has been informed of the car break along with the Policia Local de Los Montesinos.