CARP-R-US CLUB NEWS – 25/11/2016

Carp-R-Us at Embalse de Argos
Carp-R-Us at Embalse de Argos

The 24th of November saw the start of the Winter series of matches. Round one was fished on a muddy River Segura in Murcia town centre.

Winner on the day was Dave Hoare with 6.28kg, second was Doug Hornblow with 4.78kg, in third place Roy Buttress with 2.98 and in fourth spot Steve Fell with 2.42kg.

Round two will be fished on the Eden Canal section of the River Segura in Guardamar on the 1st of December – pegs at 8.00am and the fishing will be from 9.00 till 2.00pm. The high numbers will be used for this match.

The next Club meeting will be on Sunday the 4th of December. It is to be a special meeting to discuss what is happening with the freshwater fishing in Spain and what direction the Club is to take in the future.

The “CHRISTMAS” Quiz will be at the Club house on Wednesday afternoon at 4.00pm and finishing by 6.30 on the 7th of December. The Cost is 1 Euro per person and teams to a maximum of 6 are allowed to partake in this themed Xmas Quiz, all are welcome.

The Clubs home is at the Bar El Alto La Dolores which is to be found just off the N332 between La Mata and Guardamar.

The Clubs web site is at we are also on Facebook Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.