The Branch presented two of the store's check-out girls with a thank-you certificate

During the week prior to Remembrance Sunday, the staff and customers of Iceland/Overseas at San Fulgencio, donated € 1817.33 to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. This was gratefully accepted by the Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch.

The Branch then presented two of the store’s check-out girls with a thank-you certificate.

The photo shows left to right: Tracey Cox and Rachel Culloty from Iceland/Overseas; Helen Goodman the RBL Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser, and Robin Hargrave, the Branch Chairman.

The Gran Alacant and La Marina Branch of the RBL meets on the first Monday of the month at 6pm in Amigos Bar, Avenida Escandinavia, Gran Alacant.

For more information, please e-mail: or phone Robin on 966 695 423 or Brian on 639 917 971