The Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environmental Affairs, Isabel García Tejerina

The Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environmental Affairs, Isabel García Tejerina, highlighted the initiatives by Spain in such sectors as infrastructure, water, energy and agriculture. She underlined the declaration on energy exchange signed today by Spain, Morocco, Germany, France and Portugal to facilitate the trade of electricity coming from renewable sources between Morocco and the internal European energy market.

The Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environmental Affairs, Isabel García Tejerina, stressed on Thursday that Spain is promoting new cooperation formulas to offer “sustainable solutions” to climate change.

These comments were made by the Spanish minister during her speech at the High-Level Plenary Session of the Global Climate Action Agenda, held within the framework of the Climate Summit in Marrakesh (COP 22), where she highlighted the various initiatives being implemented by Spain at local, regional and international levels. “The Paris Agreement represents a transition towards a new development model, a new social model and a new economic model. Paris requires new cooperation formulas from us”, she said.

In this regard, Isabel García Tejerina referred to the work being done at a local level through one of these initiatives – the “Spanish Network of Cities for Climate”. “Cities have a major role to play as catalysts of change and Spain offers its work and experience in this regard to municipalities and the Global Agenda”, said the Spanish minister.

She then referred to the Spanish Green Growth Group, a forum that promotes innovative public-private solutions for low-emissions and climate change-resilient development.

Furthermore, Isabel García Tejerina stressed that – at a regional level through the Latin American Network of Climate Change Offices – efforts will be made to foster early warning infrastructures, as well as adaptation infrastructures in coastal regions and in the water sector.

A commitment to the Global Agenda

The Spanish minister also highlighted the declaration on energy exchange signed on Thursday by Spain, Morocco, Germany, France and Portugal aimed at facilitating the trade of electricity coming from renewable sources between Morocco and the internal European energy market.

She explained that the first step will be to draw up a roadmap for the integration of electricity markets and the trade of renewable energy, which includes economic, financial, legal and regulatory, environmental, social and market-related aspects.

Lastly, Isabel García Tejerina guaranteed Spain’s commitment to the Global Agenda and increasing ambition in this regard. “We have already earmarked 900 million euros as from 2020”, said the Spanish minister, who also announced that “we are already working to make progress in various areas, sharing analyses, experiences and results in order to enhance the efficiency of our actions”.