Sirocco chased by Cuatro

Remembrance Sunday was the date of the penultimate race day of the SAMM Autumn 2016 season and those attending observed a minutes silence to honour all those who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could enjoy our current life style.

Seven boats entered but the start was delayed to 12.15pm when the support boat engine would not start and the old rib had to be forced into service.

The resulting disruption saw only one boat make the start on time as the wind had died away as the morning progressed to less than 3 knots. The slow pace forced the Race Officer to shorten the race to just one lap which took between 1 and 11/2 hours for all boats to complete.

The wind had increased to 5 knots when the second race started, still making for a slow pace but making two laps possible with boats finishing in between 41 minutes and 11/4 hours.

Unless he made a drastic tactical error, the low wind speed foretold another two wins for Don Clark in his Hartley 12.2 and this proved the case as he won with a margin of over 300 seconds in both races. But there were some close battles and finishing time differences between many of the other boats.

As on the previous race day, Mistral was still not sailing well and still need checking for rigging or other problems.

Final results were

Race 1. First Hartley 12.2, second Shoestring Cuatro, third RS Quba.

Race 2. First Hartley 12.2, second RS Quba, third Shoestring Cuatro

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