Las Salinas Petanca

DIVISION 1 The first day of the Winter League, saw the League Champions Amigas Belgas, meet newly promoted Amigas Belgas 2, this was a surprise drawn match, which will please the newcomers.  Lakeside Hellcats, were home to Rocajuna, this was a tough match which Rocajuna won by 6-2.

Blagul, from Torre Del Moro, also won promotion, and did well to beat the Buccaneers from Montesinos 6-2. The final match was between the strong Los Bandidos team who proved too good for Lakeside Lakers winning by 7-1 This is a tough division for sure.

DIVISION 2 :  El Mirador Hawks, opened with a 7-1, over the Corsairs, this sends out a strong message. Los Altos Dragons, beat Danish Dynamite 5-3, with Los Altos Rojas going down 3-5 to Amigas Belgas 3. Lakeside Mosquito’s, beat the Pumas 5-3.

DIVISION 3 : Domino’s  McCoy s, proved too good for Peacocks Red, winning 8-0 El Mirador Eagles, went down 3-5 to Guardamar.  Torre Bears 1, lost to XPS, by 2-6.

DIVISION 4 : Blagul 2, proved too strong for San Miguel, winning 8-0.  Tore Bears 2, won away to Florentille by 6-2, Rocajuna Lions , also had a 6-2 win away  to El Presidente.  Danish Friends also joined in with a 6-2 home win over El Raso.

DIVISION 5 : Newly promoted Falcons, made a sound start winning away to El Presidente Rustlers by 7-1.  Domino Phoenix, won at home to Ailoth by 5-3. Lakeside Ramblers won away yo Daya Vieja Rednecks. with Peacocks Blue drawing at home to Los Altos Diamonds 4-4

DIVISION 6 :  Newcomers Bolero, made a fine start winning 8-0 away to El Presidente Mustangs. Domino Knights won at home to Daya Vieja Hillbillies 7-1. Laguna Rosa, beat Torre Del Agua by 5-3.  Domino Dynamite won 6-2 over Freebooters.

Thats the first week, maybe some changes next week,

Roger Seymour