CARP-R-US CLUB NEWS – 23/10/2016


On behalf of the Club members may I express our condolences and sympathy to John Fielding on the sad loss of his wife.

This week , on 20th October, the anglers fished Round 6 of the Autumn Series of matches on the Eden Canal high numbers at Guardamar. There were no dry nets.

First was Mark Foden with 8.30kg, second was Tom Marshall with 5.70kg, third Roy Buttress with 5.54kg and in fourth place Steve Collins with 4.92kg.

Round 7 on October 27th will be at El Bosquet fishery. Pegs at 8.00 and fishing from 9.00 till 2.00.

The venue  for Round 8 on 3rd November will be confirmed at a later date.

Please do not forget that all trophies won last year should be returned by 6th November meeting.

Our last evening quiz for the year will be held on Tuesday 25th October at 7.30pm. Cost of entry is 1€ per person and teams of up to 6 can take part.

The remaining 3 Quizes  for 2016 will be held on Wednesday afternoons commencing at 4.00pm. Dates will appear in next weeks news once they have been confirmed.

The next Sunday meeting is on 6th November with the Committee meeting at 10.30am followed by the General Meeting at 11.00.

Our Christmas Dinner dance this year is on Friday December 9th. It will be held at THE CLUB which is next to the Bowling Green in Quesada.

Carp-R-Us home is the Bar El Alto La Dolores which can be found just off the N332 between Guardamar and La Mata

For further information go to the Club website at or see us on Facebook -Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.