Torrevieja’s Planning Department have announced the seizure of 534,133 euros worth of bonds that were placed by constructors and promoters that have not carried out agreed repairs to roads, pavements and public areas, as required in the initial granting of their building licenses.

The amount corresponds to 60 permits, in some cases the contracts dating back to 2007, during the real estate boom. The amount of monies recovered from individual contractors ranges from between 600 euros and 97,000 euros.

Councillor for Town Planning, Fanny Serrano, said that in each case a detailed assessment has been made itemising the cost of the agreed works still needing to be carried out such as, streetlights, manhole and drain covers, pavements, access roads etc. She said that many of the companies are no longer trading, having entered into bankruptcy during the housing crisis.

The councillor said that the works and services will be carried out through the Department of Works and Services, although it might be necessary to outsource some of the specialist tasks, depending on the scope of the work to be done.