Miguel 2 Wood Triples held on Wednesday morning, produced some very close games this week.  Results were Bob Nesbitt, Tony Sansom, Carol Rudge won 13-12 against Mike Freeman, Mike Douglas, Len Rudge:  Sue Milner, Joyce Reeves, Brian Allen won 13-11 against Ken Hope, Paul Hayward, Ann Allen:  Eileen Potts, Eddie Cowan, Cliff Plaisted won 16-14 against Joy Trew, Sandie Hannan, Stan North:  Sandy Knight Jan Allen, Eileen McLaren had a good win over Peter Inch, Linda Plaisted, Noel Davis 22-13.

The sheets are up for the ladies friendly against Emerald Isle.  This is an annual competition held between San Miguel ladies and Emerald Isle ladies, home and away in alternate years.  Come on girls, get your names down, lets see if we can keep the trophy for another year!!

The sheets are still up for the Valencian Championships.  Remember this is open to bowlers who have federated this year.  The fees being paid to Jan at present are for NEXT year.  Still no venue!!

San Miguel would like to offer  condolences to Shirley Verity and her family, over the sudden loss of husband Noel.  Noel and Shirley were members of San Miguel a few years ago.

For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact President, Eileen Potts, telephone 966730376 or Secretary Pat McEwan, telephone 966714257.


Monday 18th  the Men’s pairs 4 wood game took place with F Close and D Close drawing at home 12-12 but E Morris and J Pooley lost 17-13 at San Miguel, so SM win 4-1.

The last game in this league will take place next Monday verses Quesada.

Remember if you fancy bowling as a learner or just to roll up, our SAPS continues through the summer on Sat mornings at 9.30am, coaching, shoes and bowls all available all for just 5 Euros for 2 hours, great value


No match results to report this week. The new bowls season is due to commence in October and with this in mind Greenlands invite new members to join one of the friendliest Bowls Clubs on the Costa Blanca. So don’t delay, phone Haley On 966 84 4399 , You Are Assured A Warm Welcome.

All Greenlands members subs due 31st August to include 12 euros Federation Fee, 212 euros in total. New members are welcome and membership forms can be obtained from Haley at the bar,  Forthcoming events are, CAPTAIN versus PRESIDENTS MATCH followed by BBQ on 19. Sept.  Pre – season Dinner 22nd Sept. Lists are up on notice board.