La Marina Archaeological site damaged by construction of new homes

La Marina Archaeological site damaged by construction of new homes

The authorities in San Fulgencio council have ordered the stoppage of construction works next to the Iberian site of La Escuera (5th-2nd century BC) following damage caused by the developer within the protected area. The construction company is building single-family homes on a private plot that is attached to the site, in the foothills of the Sierra del Molar, next to the La Marina urbanisation.

Following a recent visit to the site by a group made up of residents PIPN councillors, the municipal archaeologist and council staff it was found that the construction company had broken the perimeter fence that protects the historical site and had dumped large quantities of earth and debris inside the protected perimeter, seemingly using the area as a dump and as a storage area for their building materials.

Mayor Manuel Gómez (PP) explained that “the site supervisor had not mention the fact to his staff that the fenced area had to be respected.” The mayor said that the council is looking at denouncing the construction company once the archaeologist completes the pertinent report on the damages caused to the area.

The Generalitat Valenciana also has knowledge of the facts through the archaeologist and the PIPN party. “We will now study how we can sanction the construction company for damage to the protected area because of the harm they have caused, and the breakage of the perimeter fence,” he said.

The enclave hosts three archaeological sites which are all rich in architectural remains dating back to the 5th Century BC. The site has already yielded a number of important artefacts including amphoras of Greek and Punic origin, as well as tableware and toilet articles. It is an important area of Cultural and historical Interest (as archaeological zone) protected by the Generalitat Valenciana.

The deposit has an area of ​​two and a half hectares and only a small part has been excavated to date. It is situated on a slope between 7 and 14 meters above sea level on the lower levels of la sierra del Molar.