Only 12% of people choose sustainable mobility to get around the city. Men, 15%, and women, 10%. This is one of the main conclusions of the study presented by the chain of Midas workshops, #EllasConducenPorLaCiudad, and which is part of the #EllasConducen initiative, whose godmother is the motorcycle racer Ana Carrasco. By cities, the women …
Torrevieja´s fun fair, located in the harbour area of the town, has reopened this Thursday and will remain open until Sunday 18 April 2021.
The fair has reopened with special measures in place to protect against Covid and will close at 21:30 each nigh...
New measures were announced yesterday for more Covid19 relaxations by the President of the Valencian regional government Ximo Puig. The measures come into effect on Monday 15th March 2021 and last until the next announcement in 2 weeks time. The new restrictions include Bars and restaurants: These can now open indoor but only to 30% …
The pressure in ICUs increases again and now stands at 656 people while there are 4,165 hospitalised and 4,822 new cases
The Community has registered...