The Social Chamber of the Supreme Court has handed down a sentence in which it unifies doctrine and establishes that drivers who work in passenger transport by road who drive under the influence of drugs, hallucinogenic substances or narcotics, if it is proven, analytically, is grounds for dismissal from employment, without any other factors having …
The Local Police and Guardia Civil are combining resources through a WhatsApp chat group, where retailers, hoteliers, taxi drivers and others with business interests can share information about suspicious or criminal behaviour in order to create a network of watchful eyes across the town. Torrevieja already has one of the most advanced CCTV systems in …
The Local Police and Guardia Civil are combining resources through a WhatsApp chat group, where retailers, hoteliers, taxi drivers and others with business interests can share information about suspicious or criminal behaviour in order to create a network of watchful eyes across the town. Torrevieja already has one of the most advanced CCTV systems in …
The Local Police and Guardia Civil are combining resources through a WhatsApp chat group, where retailers, hoteliers, taxi drivers and others with business interests can share information about suspicious or criminal behaviour in order to create a network of watchful eyes across the town. Torrevieja already has one of the most advanced CCTV systems in …