Coronavirus outbreak confirmed in a Valencian meat company

Coronavirus outbreak confirmed in a Valencian meat company
Coronavirus outbreak confirmed in a Valencian meat company

  • According to CCOO, six workers have tested positive and all those who have been in contact with them have been isolated.

Six workers at a meat company in Rafelbunyol have tested positive for coronavirus after undergoing a test on June 17. This has been confirmed by the union at a company which has confirmed that some 200 people, dedicated to products derived from chickens and rabbits, were tested. Further tests were also carried out additional staff on the following day although these results are not yet available.

The outbreak has been detected in good time, according to Nuria Lázaro, representative of the CCOO Industry Federation, the speed of which has been thanks to the coordination between Health, unions and company management: “Health contacted the company to carry out the tests following the concern of the employees who had been working throughout quarantine. The company has acted well”.

Tests in Valencian meat companies

This is not the only company where Health have carried out tests in their efforts to control the expansion of the coronavirus, said Nuria Lázaro: “In a number of other company’s tests have also been carried out because they have been working throughout the pandemic.”

Control in these cases is vital to prevent situations such as the outbreak of a German meat company with more than 1500 people infected.

In Rafelbunyol the factory currently employs about 500 people.