Age Concern receive Charity4Charities donation

Age Concern receive Charity4Charities donation
Age Concern receive Charity4Charities donation

It was with grateful thanks that Maureen Payne, President of Age Concern, received a donation of 1000 euros from the prolific fundraising team Charity4Charities at El Unica Bar in Rojales.

Age Concern was amongst 14 other very worthwhile recipients of donations most of whom were present at this prestigious event.  Charity4Charities spend every week of the year holding auctions where all the proceeds go direct to their chosen charities.

This hardworking team made up by President Sandra Knott, Dave Smith Vice President and Rachel Tennant Treasurer and committee members enthusiastically and passionately give their time and effort to raising an extortionate amount of funds all in the name of charity and are to be highly commended for their valiant efforts.

In Age Concerns case the donation will immediately go to maintaining all the services available to vulnerable people to ensure they live their lives happily and securely in their golden years as Age Concern is renowned for.

For more information on all of the services, events and activities Age Concern offer can be seen on the website