Luckily Paddy’s Point GS enjoyed a dry day for our jaunt to Saurines de La Torre.
It did get a bit windy but apart from that it was fine and although the greens were not at their best it didn’t stop some great scoring as you will see from the results.
Paddy’s Point once again saw that were all well fed when we got back, this time it was fish and chips, thank you Rory, Hazel and all your hard working staff, you are the best.
I must add that It was great to see our Vice Captain back on the fairways after a forced lay off, well played Carmel, lovely to have you back.
Next month is our big one, Captain’s Day. Mar Menor for the golf followed by our evening meal and presentation of prizes at Los Angeles Restaurant. Look out your glad rags folks..
NTP – Declan Doyle, Pat Coyne, Declan Smyth & Jim Fegan.
LONG DRIVE – Mick Ruttledge & Sheila Coyne.
Arthur Lambe & Jim Fegan shared the 2’s pot.
BEST GUEST – John Byrne 34 pts.
3rd place – Sheila Coyne 38pts, 2nd – Bill Kelleher 38pts c/b and the winner of the St Patrick’s Day Trophy was, the man himself, Mr Paul Cullen with a fantastic 45, yes, 45 pts. Well done Paul.