The Rojales Pantomime Group performed their version of ‘Dick Whittington’ at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio in December 2024. The feedback from the audience was extremely positive and it was clear that the Pantomime was enjoyed by adults and children alike. Oh yes it was!
While King Rat and his dastardly Rat pack were booed with gusto, the Goodies of the piece, Dick Whittington and Alice were encouraged with cheers.
The show included music, song, dance and slapstick from the Dame and her sidekick, Idle Jack. Throughout, there was plenty of laughs and audience participation.
After all the hard work, a good time was had by all and thanks go to all the cast and the unsung heroes from sound and light to Wardrobe to backstage to Front of House and many more who made it the success it was.
As a result of the team´s efforts, the Rojales Pantomime Group raised funds from the show to make charitable donations to Age Concern, Help at Home and other local charities.
The group is already preparing for next year´s pantomime. If you are interested in joining us as a cast member, backstage, Sound and light or even as a social member, please send your contact information to Alison at