Rental prices for an apartment in the main municipalities of the Alicante province currently range between €525 and €2,458. In the last five years they have risen 3 times faster than salaries.
Although the highest rents are generally associated with large cities, this image does not always correspond to reality with two provincial towns appearing in the 20 towns and cities with the most expensive average monthly rents, they are Finestrat and Altea where averages are 2,458 and 1,750 euros respectively.
The price of properties can be influenced by a number of factors, such as the presence of residential tourists from other countries, or the income level to which the housing stock in a certain area is mainly directed.
This explains why the top 20 Spanish towns with the most expensive average monthly rents are not Madrid or Barcelona, but rather the municipalities that are home to luxury developments on the outskirts of large cities, or those with the most exclusive tourist areas.
Other equally prohibitive prices are Xàbia at 1,467 euros per month; Benidorm where you have to pay 1,353; Calp costing 1,233; and El Campello at 1,222.
In the city of Alicante and apartment will cost you 1,173 euros; Gran Alacant, 1,170; and Dénia, 1,074 per month .
The most affordable rentals among the towns can be found in Alcoy, at just 525 euros, Pilar de la Horadada at 730, and Guardamar del Segura at 732 euros per month.