Before we begin – that time of year is fast approaching and the Society has just donated €340 to the local charity “A Helping Hand” from our Blob Tin in order for us to assist families in need coming up to Christmas. They are also looking for donations for bits and pieces as stocking fillers or Christmas Stockings for the children. If you are aware of the charity and can help please get in touch with them directly or us at smgs91info@gmail.com.
The golf this week – Mar Menor is not on the Mar Menor per se but inland about a half hour. Thankfully, the weather is somewhat more stable than previous weeks and the sun was shining to provide perfect conditions for a round of golf.
The course is another of Ugolf’s Jack Nicklaus desert-style course plotted about the Golf Resort’s accommodations. Some of the holes are tight with lots of safety netting in the adjacent properties (insert scary face emoji here LOL!). The course itself had fair conditions on the greens with them being a little bit fluffy. Everybody headed back to the local “Irish Indian” for some spices.
Another full field of 48 members and guests teed off with the following results.
Gold: Denis Ryan (41 points)
Silver: Jan Skog (39 points)
Bronze: Marit Ronsen (41 points)
A solo “Two” today by Will Fenn claiming the whole pot! Nearest the Pins this week were Barry Roehrig, Jan Skøg, John Osbourne and Peter Girenas. The best guest prize of a sleeve of balls went to Samantha Brammer with 36 points. Tony Sims was the lucky football card winner today.
Next week we are quite local to most at one of the Society’s most popular and over-subscribed courses, La Finca.
Winners pictured with our Captain, Lee Eastman (far right), Denis Ryan (Gold, second left), Jan Skøg (Silver, far left) and Marit Ronsen (Bronze, second right).