A donation of 600 euros was made through the Pilar de la Horadada Ayuntamiento to the Valencian DANA Appeal on Thursday. The monies were collected during the offertory made at the Annual Remembrance Service in the Capilla de las Mil Palmeras a week or so earlier.

Royal Naval Association Vice Chairman Graham Shelton handed over the cheque to José Maria Perez Sanchez. He was accompanied by RNA Chairman Tony Jenkins and Standard Bearer Bryan Dalton.

In offering the support of the British Veterans Community, as he presented the cheque to the mayor, Shelton said that ‘hearts as well as purses had opened up on Remembrance Sunday in the knowledge that much of the collection would be diverted to the town hall DANA appeal.”

The mayor responded by saying how important it was to remember the people of Valencia who were still suffering so badly from the effects of October 29. He said that while donations of clothing, cleaning materials and other physical items were still being made, the importance of cash could not be overstated, as the monies raised would be spent in affected Valencian businesses, which would allow them to start recovering from the losses that they too had suffered during the floods.”

“The reconstruction work, for many families, will still take many months, he added, and the return to normality is still a long way away.”

Donations Generalitat Valencia

Meanwhile the Generalitat has opened a bank account to make donations for those affected by the DANA in the Comunitat, with the public, any association or company, still encouraged to contribute.

The Account number is: ES94 0081 0693 61 0002423445.