If you happen to be in San Pedro one day and see a lot of mad people in dressed as pantomime characters filming their strange behaviour, do not panic, it will be the ADAPT Theatre Group filming one of our annual short comic videos which we insert into our pantomimes to give them a bit of local colour. 

We have done more than ten of these now, each one moving the story of the panto on in interesting ways – from Sleeping Beauty’s prince hacking his way through a forest (AKA the local park) to Aladdin pleading with the local mayor to release his monkey from jail, we have managed to involve many well known local people and places to the delight of our audiences. 

We have great fun doing it as well, as you can see from this picture of Captain Hook and Peter Pan fighting a duel next to the San Pedro boat roundabout, to release poor Wendy who has been tied to a nearby lamppost

Yes, our pantomimes are quite different, as you will see if you come along to this year’s Snow White and the 7 Guiris” to be performed at the end of November (more details to follow).  We are sponsored by the ADAPT Metal Detecting group and all money raised goes to local charities.

To find out more about the Adapt Theatre Group visit: https://adapttheatregroup.wordpress.com/ or phone Eric on 656 361 098