The Murcia airport project has been plagued by financial setbacks. The regional government initially guaranteed a loan of €182 million to the concessionaire, Aeromur. However, Aeromur failed to meet contractual conditions and the government terminated the contract. Subsequently, the government sought compensation from Aeromur for the lost investment.

The Superior Court of Justice has now ruled that the government’s claim for compensation was submitted too late. The court stated that sanctions for breach of contract must be presented within three months, and the government’s claim was filed after this deadline. Additionally, the court found that the government’s calculation of the compensation amount was flawed.

The decision means that the Murcia government will not receive any compensation from Aeromur for the airport project. This is a significant setback for the government, which has already incurred significant costs associated with the airport. It is also a blow to the region’s economy, as the airport is a major infrastructure project.