The Local Police in El Campello arrested a suspected phishing expert wanted by the courts in Orihuela.

The officers asked him for his documentation when he was at a vending machine on calle San Bartolomé, in the area closest to the port of El Campello, in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The officers checked on his ID and discovered he was subject to an arrest warrant from a court in Orihuela.

The man was then arrested, and when they searched his (high-end) vehicle, the officers found 1,500 euro in cash and various items purchased in shops and vending machines.

According to the Local Police, the suspect is an expert in the crime known as “phishing”, a technique that consists of sending emails or making insistent phone calls (usually to elderly people) pretending to be a representative of their bank and getting the victim to change their passwords to access their accounts, which they then rob.

It is suspected that the seized items were purchased using the information provided by his victims. The detainee, the seized items and the vehicle were placed at the disposal of the Guardia Civil in El Campello.