Las Salinas Charity Petanca for Orihuela orphanage


The Las Salinas charity Mixed triples petanca competition was held at Rocajuna petanca on the 16th March  with pristine terrains and plenty of room for spectators! The competition was an astounding success, and the bar was kept busy providing refreshments a barbeque and sandwiches to the hungry players.  Thank you to Eduardo providing the barbeque, Myriam and her colleague in the bar providing drinks.

The weather was comfortable and the competition was fierce with 24 teams from 18 clubs most wearing their team strip. It was close games for the top slots!  The top three teams were presented with a prestigious cup which will be inscribed with the winners’ names.  This will be retained for a year and will continue to have inscriptions for the forthcoming competitions.  All three top teams were given medals and wine as recognition of their success.  The umpire of the day was John Gaughan the secretary of the las Salinas petanca league with his smart striped umpire shirt he ensured fair play. We had Ang his wife on the desk assisting with the organisation and results.

The chosen charity for the Las Salinas league is the San Jose Obrero orphanage and we raised €414 on the day including the subscription fees and the tombola.  The stall was run by the lovely Chrissy and Tina who were busy persuading people to part with their money! Thank you, ladies, for your efforts!   Jackie Lowton the Competition secretary arranged the registration of the teams and the purchase of the prizes and we also had some very nice donations.

The WINNERS ON THE day with 4 wins were.

1st El/Limonar Justin   Jose & Evelyne Botias,  Agneta & Peter Seidel (4 wins)

2nd Rocajuna    Captain Claude Herrin (3 wins)

3rd Los Bandidos  Captain Yves Beaudet (3 wins)


Thank you to all the participants and we look forward to organising another triples competition in September 2024

Norma Parkway

President Las Salinas petanca league