“Miracle in the Santa Maria Juana Convent” Premieres in Mojácar


As a prelude to the Easter Week holidays in Mojácar, this Saturday 22nd of March, and as part of the traditional programming for this time of year, Mojácar Council, through its Culture Department, has scheduled the premiere of a play by the local theatre group.

Titled, “Milagro en el Convento de Santa María Juana”, (Miracle in the Santa María Juana Convent), the Mojácar Aquelarre group will perform this comedy, performed in two acts, about the difficulties of a convent in the red. A little nun arrives at this such difficult time and turns everything upside down to reverse this situation through an elixir. A crazy comedy with historical figures that will entertain the audience with its fabulous wisecracks and great humour.

The play will be performed this Saturday at the Multi-Uses Centre, starting at 9pm.

The Mojácar Theatre Group has 20 actors, who currently have two plays on the bill. For the premiere of “Milagro en el Convento de Santa María Juana” they will work under the direction of Joaquín Sáez and with Antonio Casado as assistant director. María José Osorio will be the prompter and José Guijarro will be in charge of the sound and special effects.

This theatre group has already performed with great success other works such as “Indalo, Mensajero de los Dioses”, (Indalo, Messenger of the Gods), “Laura” and “Un Cadáver a los Postres” (A Corpse at Desserts), with which they have toured almost the entire province.

They also regularly collaborate with the Red Cross, either by organising and directing a group of senior citizens from Mojácar for the creation of what has been called the Mojácar Seniors Theatre or by donating everything raised to this charitable association.

Among their short-term future projects is the performance of the Passion of Christ in Easter Week 2025. An original version with live songs.

They will also soon start rehearsals for “Las Criadas” (The Maids), as well as the play “La Dama del Río Aguas” (The Lady of the River Aguas), a tale about the Mojácar Aguas River.

The group started out in 2012 and the first play they performed was “Indalo, Messenger of the Gods”, loosely based on the legend of the Indalo. Nearly 100 people took part in its premiere, including actors, the Municipal Music Band and technicians.

Following their success, they continued their performances with “Laura” and then with “Un Cadáver a los Postres”, which has taken them to the theatres of Almería’s main towns.