Mojacar in search of the lost book


To celebrate World Book Day on the 23rd of April, Mojácar Council Culture Department has organised an original proposal for the locality’s residents.

Under the slogan of “The Lost Book”, copies of the book “Cuentos para pensar” (Stories to think about), by author Jorge Bucay have been distributed throughout the municipality.

Whoever finds it and wants to take part in the Culture Department’s proposal, has to pick it up and after reading it and writing down their name in an attachment that they will find on the back cover, must leave it at another point in the municipality so that a new reader can use it and so on.

All those who have had access to the book will have a meeting, on the 23rd of April, at the Municipal Library at 7pm to be able to comment on their reading, their feelings or whatever they consider appropriate within the world of literature. The Culture Councillor, Noemí Linares, will also be there and will act as moderator and raise some current issues about reading and the author.

For this first “Lost Book”, the Local Council has suggested reading “Stories to think about”, a collection of 26 stories that make us reflect on some of our actions that we do many times without thinking about their consequences and which can make us aware about how we behave towards our fellow human beings. From there, perhaps, to try to correct what we consider appropriate, helping us to become better people and to feel better.

Jorge Bucay is an Argentine writer and therapist, well known and recognised for his self-help and self-improvement books, which have led him to become one of the best-selling authors in Spain and Argentina in his genre.

“Stories to think about” came, according to its author, from the notes he made in his notebook “with squared pages”, in which he took notes between 1978 and 1989.

It was these notes that, once organised, “typed and bound,” went from a “home-made book” in the hands of his friends and patients to jumping into bookshops with this name.

The Lost Book is the first action that the Local Council has organised for the celebration of World Book Day, which since 1988, promoted by UNESCO, has aimed to promote reading, the publishing industry and protect intellectual property.