The high cost of children returning to school


The most expensive return to school in history in the province of Alicante

Following Christmas expenditure, where many of us usually spend excessively, January can be a difficult financial month but, for those who have children, September is just as difficult, if not more so.

This year, the cost of going back to school will be “the most expensive in history”, according to a number of different ‘Mothers and Fathers of Students Associations’ (FAPA), with parents spending about 500 euros for each student between 5 and 16 years of age.

A return to the classroom is not only marked by the context of inflation, but also by the uncertainty following the change of regional government and the measures that the new Ministry of Education may still develop.

Javier Pérez , the Federation’s President in the province of Alicante, points out that, this year, families will have to spend between 20 and 30 euros more than last year.

“Inflation affects us all very directly. The cost may be around 250 euros for material only, while the books will add between 200 and 400 euros more”, he says.

The National Catholic Confederation of Families and Parents of Students (Concapa) also confirmed the figures. “This year will probably be the most expensive in all of history. Those who end up paying for everything are the families. We are going to see a rise close to 6 %. The cost in books is more than 300 euros and with material it will amount to about 470 euros in total. Book increase in price from between 25 and 27 euros to between 30 and 33. This year the book bank has also been lost due to a new educational law, so the books must be new. Logically, parents are going to have serious problems as they approach the beginning of the new school year. It’s not just books and material, it’s also transportation, comido, excursions, uniforms, insurance, extra-curricular activities and AMPA fees… With all that, the cost could rise to around 1,500 euros per child,” says Rafael Araújo, the President.