A Summer School with a Difference


Around much of Spain, summer schools are taking off, with a range of activities like sports, crafts, arts, and more, but hidden away in the inland area of Elche is a little-known gem of a summer school which offers an alternative to the norm for little explorers.

We are talking about the Campamento Aeronáutico La Loma (C.A.L.L), which although located nearer to the safari park than the airport, in an aeronautical camp for children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 18, divided into several subgroups, based on age.

This camp’s main objective is to promote aviation in kids from 8 to 18 years old. Almost 150 “cadets” have already had this experience, with some already undergoing training for their Private Pilot (PPL) and Commercial Pilot (ATPL) licences, the next airborne top gun could be your little cherub, as there are still a few places available for this summer.

The summer camp runs for 8 or 14 day sessions, and the dates are between July 2 and 16 and from July 16 to 30.

Many Cadets repeat each year and are taught a more advanced level or even prepare to obtain the Ultralight licence. Other Cadets are new to the camp and even to the world of aeronautics, so they start with the basics. The so-called “Sparrows” is the patrol of boys and girls under 12 years of age. Logically, this patrol does not carry as much study load and focuses more on activities (that have to do with aeronautics) and fun.

During their stay, the cadets attend multi-adventure activities, kayaking and canoeing, drone flight, aeronautics classes, flight simulator practices, water games, visits to the Albacete Air Base and the General Air Academy in San Javier, depending on their age, as well as the European Flyers school at the Muchamiel aerodrome.

Accommodation is internal and full board. Theoretical and simulator classes are held at the facilities of the Granja Escuela La Loma, in Elche.

The place is located in a natural environment with clean air, away from the bustle of the city and the cadets stay in rustic wooden cabins equipped with air conditioning.

For more information, you can contact Alberto Díaz de la Quintana (CALL director) at the telephone number 609 648 062 and on the web http://www.campamentoaeronautico.com