In Assisting Caritas, you are Assisting residents of the Orihuela Costa


Did you know that, at the moment, Caritas Orihuela Costa is feeding over 130 families every single week, families from many countries, including the UK and Ireland, that, through no fault of their own, find themselves in financial difficulties.

It’s not just food, but toiletries, cleaning products, baby food and a multitude of other goods that are needed by households on a daily basis.

The collections will take place on two days, next Friday and Saturday, the 2nd and 3rd of June, from 10.00am till late afternoon, with any success very much dependent on the number of volunteers that come forward to provide their assistance.

Only the food collected at El Campo, La Zenia, Supercor in La Mosca and Carrefour, will be allocated for use in Orihuela Costa.

Please do come forward and provide your assistance. Caritas needs all the help that it can get and as many volunteers as possible to help collecting the donations.

If you can give just a few hours of your time on either day, please contact Carmen on 617 885 941