Local Elections Information Website Launched


The Ministry of the Interior has launched the official logo of the local elections on May 28, as well as an informative website, elecciones.locales2023.es, which is now also available in English, and contains relevant information on how to exercise their right to vote, the election calendar, and the different candidacies that are presented, among other issues.

The website presents an attractive and modern design, which facilitates friendly navigation through the different contents that are integrated around four large sections: general information, political formations, people who make up the tables and accessibility.

Voters will be able to solve any doubt on the modalities of voting in person or by mail on this portal; about the opening hours of schools; or on the personal identification documents that must be presented at the polling stations.

An important section is the one dedicated to accessibility, which includes general information both for people who go to the polling station to vote and for people who are part of the polling stations. In the latter case, special emphasis is placed on deaf and blind or visually impaired people and on the tools made available to them to carry out their duties at a polling station.

The website is available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and Valencian and, as a novelty this year, also in English with the aim of providing information to those foreigners residing in the country who have their right to participate in local elections recognised.

Local elections 2023

In accordance with article 42.3 of Organic Law 5/1985, of June 19, on the General Electoral Regime, the royal decree published in the BOE calls for local elections to cover the positions of councillors of municipalities not subject to open council; the mayors of the municipalities that, by tradition or by virtue of regional regulations, have adopted the open council regime, as well as the councillors of the island councils of the Canary archipelago.

Likewise, and in accordance with the provisions of the autonomy statutes of Ceuta and Melilla, the royal decree calls for the election of members of the assemblies of these two autonomous cities, elections to be held on the same date.

The electoral campaign will last fifteen days and will begin at 00:00 on Friday, May 12 and end at 24:00 on Friday, May 26.