P.I.O.C the only hope for the future of Orihuela Costa

In everyday life the senior residents of Orihuela Costa are discriminated against, who have either no or inferior services to those of the inhabitants of Orihuela City.

One cannot help but compare the council services provided by small independent municipalities, towns with populations well under 10,000 people to the inadequate provisions offered to coastal residents with its population exceeding 34,000.

Older people living in Orihuela Costa have virtually no council provided services, there is only one residential care home, no Dementia / Alzheimer’s Centre.  No Mental Health Centre known as ADIEM.   No Day Care Centre.  However, there is a Civic Centre for older residents at Alameda del Mar, not many know of its existence, moreover the lack of public transport results in many elderly not being able to attend the various activities held there, especially if they are frail, vulnerable or disabled as they may not be able to drive due to their medical condition.

However, when you visit San Miguel there is a large, purpose built social centre for people of  senior age which houses a variety of activities, Likewise in Los Montesinos there is a large centre for older people next to the new Town Hall, both centres are well used.

Orihuela Costa has a large community of retired and ageing people from all nationalities.  Many individuals have chosen to retire to this part of Spain and contribute significantly to the local economy.  When individuals purchase a property they very rarely look at what services will be available to them when they became frail and dependent.

Most people plan for an active retirement and give very little thought to issues of dependency.   However, for the aged coastal residents, many who have lived here for a considerable time, their needs change, they find that there are virtually no provisions for them.

The volunteer sector of the community of Orihuela Costa are very active in providing services for older people in order to bridge this deficit, providing much needed assistance and support.  However, in spite of the excellent work undertaken by these organisations as a person’s needs increase and greater support is required, the lack of provisions on Orihuela Costa to assist these people is not acceptable.

Some people resolve this by returning to their country of origin, but others want the services provided in the area where they have lived and contributed economically towards for years.

IN SHORT IF IT WASN’T FOR THE FANTASTIC WORK BEING DONE BY VARIOUS CHARITIES, Community Care Association, Help At Home CB, Pink Ladies/AECC/Cancer Care, Caritas to name a few, supporting the elderly living on the coast with Home help, Respite, Cancer Health care, Transport for Medical assistance, they would be in a dire situation.

There is a large, purpose built, residential home situated behind the Villamartin Golf Course that has stood empty for several years, there are no plans to open this facility, in spite of the needs of the elderly dependent population. This is a disgraceful waste of a valuable resource, whilst this building stands empty and unused there are many very vulnerable people who are forced to either up roots and leave the area or manage in misery as their health and skills deteriorate.

How is it possible that very small municipalities can provide centres for the “third” age and cater for their ageing population more effectively than an area with a population of 34,000?  Is this another example of Orihuela City discriminating against the Costa residents?  Without an adequate number of Councillors representing the Orihuela Costa the coastal residents will never have adequate services.

PIOC intends to ensure the elderly citizens of all nationalities are supported by the services they are entitled to, The only way we believe this can happen is together we campaign for independence with your vote on 28 May.