Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP), such as electric scooters, are very vulnerable on the road, as are pedestrians and cyclists, since they are more exposed to insecurities and have fewer security systems that protect the users in the event of a traffic accident.

In addition, their “recent” incorporation into Spanish roads means that they are not yet 100% integrated into urban mobility as a whole. For this reason, the RACC has launched the first online theoretical training course for VMP users, an initiative that allows them to learn the traffic regulations of these vehicles to integrate them with maximum safety in urban mobility and reduce accident rates.

The course, developed by professionals and specialists from the RACC in the fields of mobility and driving schools, teaches the current regulations regarding electric scooters, since a large part of the users who travel with this type of vehicle do not know the law.

In fact, in the last study carried out by the RACC on the behaviour of VMP users in Barcelona in 2021, the majority of those surveyed expressed ignorance about half of the basic aspects of the regulations for riding a scooter.

The training is completely free and is open to anyone who is interested, although they must be of legal age. However, the RACC will study the possibility of offering the course to young people between 16 and 18 years of age.


The course can be followed through the RACC website and is available in Spanish or Catalan. In order to start the training, you must first register.

Here is the link to the course website:

The content of the course is structured in five main sections:

  • How VMP users should be protected and what security features they should employ.
  • Where can you ride a scooter?
  • Rules of coexistence with other means of transport.
  • Basic road safety rules.
  • Tips and reminders.

The training includes notes in text format, videos that exemplify good and tricky practices, and a self-assessment test for the user to check their level of learning. To pass the course it is necessary to pass 80% of a final test. Once approved, the user can download a certificate that certifies the knowledge acquired.


Last March, the new Royal Decree came into force that establishes the minimum teachings of Primary and Secondary Education, and as a novelty integrates for the first time Road Education in the educational curriculum in a practical way, taking the subject of Physical Education as a starting point. This initiative will allow those under 18 years of age to learn the basic rules of road safety, as well as the regulations for electric scooters and other VMP.

According to Pere Navarro, General Director of Traffic: “after 30 years trying to introduce road safety in the school curriculum, this Royal Decree has finally succeeded. This is splendid news for society as a whole.”