Fireworks finale ends Los Montesinos 2020 Fiestas hugely affected by COVID-19

Fireworks finale ends Los Montesinos 2020 Fiestas hugely affected by COVID-19

By Andrew Atkinson

A fireworks finale ended the Los Montesinos 2020 Fiestas – that was hugely affected by COVID-19.

“The festivities were adapted to th coronavirus health crisis that has changed our lives.  With the fireworks display we say goodbye, until 2021 with the wish that the situation improves as soon as possible,” said a spokesperson the town Hall.

“In these days we have tried to put a little light and colour in a very dark moment for all of our society.

“Thanks to everyone for participating and accompanying us, in person or virtually, in the development of the specific activities that have been carried out.  In our hearts we carry our parties and our patron.

“We will return stronger in 2021, with enthusiasm, wanting to dream and enjoy our patron saint festivities again.

Long live Los Montesinos. Long live the Virgin of Pilar,” added the spokesperson.