Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is one of the most colorful and spectacular flowers in the world, on show in Spain in aplomb.

The name Bird of Paradise, also known as Crane flowers, derives from its spectacular flower shape, resembling a bird’s beak and head plumage – an eye-catching beautiful exotic flower.

Flowering from May, through to September, the Bird of Paradise makes an exceptionally attractive landscape plant, its leaves resembling a small banana plant, with evergreen thick, waxy, and glossy green foliage.

Bird of Paradise require warm temperatures, between 18c-21c, in partial shade, when planted outdoors – to avoid burning from the temperatures here – that can reach high 30c during summer months.

Bird of Paradise needs a good potting soil, with good drainage. Water, until the soil is saturated; thereafter leave until dry to the touch. During winter reduce watering by half.

During early spring feed with good general soluable plant food.

Do not plant a Bird of Paradise too deeply in the pot, as root exposure is deemed to promote flowers. Also, a pot-bound plant will produce more blooms.

Remove any broken or dead leaves and dead flowers, as and when appropriate.

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Keep safe. Felix.