Treatment Options To Choose When You’re Suffering from Scoliosis

Treatment Options To Choose When You're Suffering from Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a common disorder that affects the spine of many people, particularly teenagers. People who have scoliosis tend to have a curved spine, other than the typical straight. The curved backbone happens due to multiple reasons, with the main one being genetics.

Other possible causes of scoliosis include joint surgeries, head injuries, or knee distortions. This abnormal curve does not happen suddenly. Instead, it is a mild change that can be noticed by a doctor or friend. Although the condition is not painful, it can cause other secondary types of pains on the neck, head, or in the abdomen. It can also turn out to be a severe deformity if you do not take the necessary corrective measures early enough. 

Here are the common treatment options for people who have scoliosis:

1. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is the best treatment option for people with mild scoliosis. Medical practitioners recommend this method of treatment when the condition has not yet worsened, and the patient is medically fit to undergo the physical therapies.

The main types of physical therapy treatments include yoga, pilates, and massages. The therapies may not entirely correct the shape of the spine, but they can significantly reduce the pain associated with the condition. There are many types of exercises and physical treatments that work well for scoliosis. As such, doctors consider many factors such as the age, and other inherited health conditions before they recommend the best types of exercise to participate in.

2. Scoliosis Braces

This is another effective treatment for people suffering from mild or severe scoliosis. As the name implies, the treatment involves the use of medical braces to support the curved back. Scoliosis bracing specialists believe that the braces increase the load affecting the outer part of the spine curve, and reduce the pressure on the inner part of the spinal curvature.

As a result, the braces slow down the spine from curving further. Braces are commonly used by small children, although doctors can sometimes recommend them to adults, depending on the degree of effect. The braces are usually hard so as to apply the right amount of pressure required to support the bone.

There are many types of scoliosis braces in the market, but they broadly fall into two main categories; the full-time braces and the night braces.

  • Full-time Braces

The full-time braces require a full-time usage of up to 23 hours per day. The common full-time braces include the Boston brace, which readily opens in the back if need be. The other popular full-time brace is the Wilmington brace, which is custom made. It is quite technical than the Boston brace, and hence, the patients cannot remove the brace on their own.

  • Night Braces

Patients wear them at night only when sleeping. The two common night time braces include the Charleston bending brace and the providence brace. Both options are custom made, and they work well when the patient is lying down on their back, hence their nighttime wear. 

Both full time and night time braces are effective, and they are given to the patients after careful consideration of the degree of the spine’s curve.

3. Surgery

This is the last treatment option for the severe spinal curves, mainly those with 45 to 50 degrees of curves. It is also the ideal option for the spinal curves which affects the regular operation of the lungs, the neck, and other crucial body organs.

The bone graft operation takes a maximum of eight hours according to the severity, and this means that your child can go through the surgery and continue with their schooling activities after a short period.

The surgical operation is not recommended to adult patients. This is because their bones are strong and quite sensitive. Moreover, the surgery results are more effective in young people as compared to adult patients. The surgical treatment is also associated with several complications, and the patient may not be able to handle hefty work after the procedure.

The procedure must also be done by a highly experienced scoliosis treatment doctor to avoid complicating the issue further.

The above are the main types of scoliosis treatment. You can manage the mild spinal curves with simple exercise and physical therapies.  The exercises improve flexibility and reduce pain levels. Brace treatment is ideal for mild scoliosis, as it prevents the curves from getting worse.

Surgery is the last option, and it should be done with strict care. If you have scoliosis, find a reputable medical practitioner to recommend the best treatment for you.