A Magical Mojácar Christmas Evening

Most of the confectionary on offer had been made by the local ladies
Most of the confectionary on offer had been made by the local ladies

  • A magical Mojácar Christmas evening full of music and dance with homemade treats and sweets

As every year, as part of their festive programme, Mojácar Council reserves a very special time to celebrate some traditional Almerían Christmas cuisine and, there is nothing more typical than yule logs, turrón, rosquillas and mantecados with their delicious smells.

The tables in the town’s Centro de Usos Múltiples were filled with all these homemade cakes and sweets, along with hot chocolate, giving everyone the chance to sample free of charge the age old local bakery techniques time that fill Mojaqueros homes over these weeks.

Most of the confectionary on offer had been made by the local ladies, with ingredients provided by the Council for these pastrycooks to put their love and skill into these Christmas flavours that have passed from generation to generation.

The event is an initiative that has been held for some years now, with a growing appreciation, ensuring the old recipes, some made with local seasonal products, are not forgotten along with the importance of gastronomy to the culture and roots of the region.

Mojácar’s Mayor, Rosmari Cano and her Government Team were on hand to serve the products along with the stories behind the sweets for those who wanted to know more.
The Mayor highlighted the town’s old traditions and, even in times when the town had only modest resources, at Christmas the doors of all homes were always open to share some candy made by the grandmothers.

It was an evening when many people of all nationalities came together to experience some seasonal specialities, as well as compare cultural differences and similarities whilst enjoying the festive tasting.  The gastronomic event included dance performances by Nicky Mainstone’s Prodanza and Natalia López’s Ultima Fusión, with singing by the well-loved “Embrujo Mojaquero” and “La Fuente” choirs.