Orihuela starts check of all ‘Vado Permanente’ signs

Orihuela starts check of all ‘Vado Permanente’ signs
Orihuela starts check of all ‘Vado Permanente’ signs

Orihuela’s Department of Urban Planning say that they will remove hundreds of ‘Vado Permanente’ signs that are fixed to walls and gateways across the municipality.

A council spokesman said that although the right to stop parking adjacent to the sign may well have been paid for when it was first obtained there are far too many people who continue to use the privilege but who fail to pay the annual fee.

The council say they have received numerous complaints from residents, especially in Orihuela Costa, where there are many ‘Vado Permanente’ plates affixed to garages, thereby reserving the adjacent parking space, but where the license fee has not been maintained.

The councillor for Urban Planning, José Aix, has announced that his department will carry out inspections of all such license plates through the Local Police who will check every one of the authorities issued in the municipality, with special attention to the coast, where more irregularities, he said, have been identified.

“If people wish to preserve their right to have access to their garage they must pay the fee, otherwise the signs will be removed,” said Aix

He added that, starting next week, as the Police travel around the municipality, they will also be gathering information on the use of terraces, the placement of tables and chairs by bars and restaurants, saying that he intends to regularise the situation.