Andalucía’s Health Directorate visits Mojácar

Andalucía’s Health Directorate visits Mojácar
Andalucía’s Health Directorate visits Mojácar

The Junta de Andalucía’s Health Director, Juan de la Cruz Belmonte, Sanitary Managing Director, José Miguel Medina, and Medical Director. Sergio Peláez, recently visited Mojácar’s two health centres which serve 6,000 plus residents.

Accompanied by Mojácar’s Mayor, Rosmari Cano and the local Health Councillor, Ana García, the group reviewed the town’s most important objectives, including the Infrastructure Plan for 2020-2030, the necessary collaborations with local associations to develop a social health project, a new framework for health welfare, as well as staffing needs.

The surgery in the old town has around 1,000 patients with a doctor, a nurse and a council administrator whilst at the medical centre  by the beach, there are three doctors (who are each responsible for 1,500, 1,400 and 1,700 patients), treatment rooms, a paediatric, three nurses, a clinic assistant and two council administrators.

It also offers a 24-hour primary care emergency service.  The out of hours service provided from 3 p.m. until 8 a.m. including weekends, has a duty team made up of a doctor, nurse, duty guard and ambulance personnel.

During the busy summer months between June to September there is a much higher demand for medical treatment and, to meet these needs, an additional morning surgery is set up with a doctor attending out-of-town patients, plus extra doctors and nurses in July and August.

The need to strengthen Mojácar’s medical team during the summer is a very high priority for the staff at both centres and next summer, the additional service will be extended from June to September.

Mojácar’s Mayor has plans, which she regards as a matter of urgency, to begin the necessary procedures for the construction of a new medical centre that will expand and complement the town’s healthcare provision, as well as improvements to both centres currently servicing the town.