Landmark Occasion in Animal Welfare

Landmark Occasion in Animal Welfare
Landmark Occasion in Animal Welfare

Rojales Council have just confirmed that they have given €6,000 to Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre. On top of this they are committed to enforcing current laws and changing policy for a better future in animal welfare.

Most people don’t realise that the Centre receives absolutely no funding what so ever. Since coming to power the current Council have been staunch supporters of the Rescue Centre. They recognise the invaluable resource that is the Centre and have negotiated and continue to do so with the Valencian Government to encourage changes in animal welfare. Not just the issue of funding but changes to the laws on animal welfare too. They are committed to making this a yearly contribution with the added plan of working with other Councils to encourage them to do the same.

Sue Weeding, Co-Founder said, “This is a truly inspirational act on the part of Rojales Council. The Mayor Antonio Perez Garcia and his delegates have been constant supporters and regular visitors to the Centre. We are incredibly grateful for these resources but also the commitment to encourage other Councils to do the same. We have taken in many animals not just from the local councils and Police in our area but from the north of Valencia to as far south as Granada in Andalucia. This commitment by Rojales Council is just the forward thinking approach needed to progress animal welfare in Spain.”

The Council realise the huge service that EHCRC provides to the community, who now work mainly with the Police and Guardia Civil to offer advice and rescue of the most at risk, abused or neglected equines on a 24/7 basis.

Spokes person on behalf of the Mayor, Deputy Mayoress and all the delegates for the Council said, “The Town Hall of Rojales supports and appreciates the labour of the Foundation Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre  for the work that is done and the great effort that is made in the care of horses, donkeys, ponies and other animals that have been abused or abandoned.

Without this commitment and solidarity from Susan and Rod, these animals would have to face a far worse destiny. Unfortunately, as public administrations we have serious difficulties in directly dealing with these issues.

From our Town Hall we want to show our commitment to the Foundation, providing assistance and collaboration as much as possible, and we are very aware of the mistreatment and abandonment of animals, which unfortunately remains so present in our society.

The Police want to remind everyone that abandonment and animal abuse are criminal offences in the Spanish penal code which can carry financial or prison sentences.

We have trained police on our staff dedicated to the investigation of this type of crime, and we organize public talks and courses, which explain the issues on animal abandonment and abuse, and above all to raise awareness among people.”

For more information on the rescue centre go to their website

Or visit the Rescue Centre on their open day the first Sunday of every month 1 till 4 pm.