The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja is on the move!

The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja is on the move!
The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja is on the move!

The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja branch monthly meetings are moving to a new time and venue.  Their next meeting will be at Restaurante Danmark, Plaza Los Halcones 27, Avenida de La Alondres, Torrevieja on Wednesday April 3rd starting at 1700.  Future meetings will be at this new time and venue on the first Wednesday of every month.

We not only hold monthly meetings but also lunches and various social activities throughout the year.  The Royal Naval Association is very friendly, open to all who respect our objectives and we look forward to seeing you soon!  

For directions and more information please call Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996.