Catholic church introduces Swipe Card Machine

Catholic church introduces Swipe Card Machine
Catholic church introduces Swipe Card Machine

A pilot scheme within the Diocese of Cartagena has selected the parish church of Nuestra Señora de las Lágrimas in la pedanía de Cabezo de Torres, as the first establishment in which to install swipe card equipment, which will allow it’s faithful to make donations without the need to carry physical cash.

In their effort to keep pace with modern technology, electronic card swiping machines have been introduced for members of the congregation contributing to the collection at Mass. The terminal has a touch screen where benefactors can select the amount they wish to donate, choosing between two, five, ten or fifteen euros, and then making the payment electronically on their debit or credit card or even via an app on their mobile phone.

Parish priest, Antonio José Abellán, explains that it is not necessary to enter passwords. “Givers simply, select the amount they wish to donate before passing their card or phone app over the electronic device which will then make the deduction. However those who are not yet accustomed to the use of new technology and who wish to make donations in cash may continue to do so.”