Warbler Attack on Levante And Poliente

Warbler Attack on Levante And Poliente
Warbler Attack on Levante And Poliente

With buggies banned on the Levante course a group of warblers headed for their own game on the Poniente course the remaining 22 players attacking the Lavante course with Vigour.

Levante course

Division 2 players suffering with either sun in their eyes or missed opportunities with the slick greens and low scores except a certain lady who seems to be in a league of her own at present. Sue Harrison lead the way a week ago and again this week was 10 points clear of the second-place spot of Peter Gibson on 26 points and third spot to his utter amazement was Arthur Sullivan on 23 points

Sue scoring a brilliant 36 points no putting problems there then!

Division 1 was a totally different result with some excellent scores David French led the field home with a brilliant 39 points hot on his heals was Dennis Coe on 38 and third spot Glyn Braidley on 37 points on count back

Nearest the pins on hole 3 was guest Alan Fullwood and Malcolm Monti on hole 14

A 2s challenge was up for grabs this week with a charge of 1€ per member to enter this resulted in Denis Coe with 2s on hole 3 and 12 and guest Alan Fullwood on hole 3 both sharing the spoils

The football Card was again undertaken by Margaret Wheatley and yes that’s right her husband Robin taking the pot.

Poniente Course

Several players attacked the course with the overall winner being Malcolm Robinson with 29 points who won on countback from David Edwards one nearest the pin was available which was won by Paddy Kenmore.

Both courses were in excellent condition with fast and difficult greens to read especially if on a downhill lie with the ball often surpassing the distance it started.  The bunkers were very difficult being very wet just under the surface

Prize giving was its usual banter with a Bronze Statue being presented to Wendy and Arthur Sullivan for 16 years hard and loyal work to the Orba Warblers golf society both retiring from there post at the recent AGM. Arthur having headed up every department over that time and Wendy running the social scene twice for a period of years.

Our next match is 20th February at La Sella sponsored by Campbell Lamont first tee at 8.48

If interested in playing, please contact Michael Taylor on 639 242 896 or email mjt@stylepms.com